First, have you ever had to get out a pair of pliers to open a plastic bottle of pop? This is the second time I've had to do this, when no one around could open the darn top by hand. I often get marks on my hand from the lines on the cap and still can't budge the thing. Are they getting screwed on incredibly tight, or am I losing strength in my hands/wrists again? I suffered from carpal tunnel-like symptoms about ten years ago when I was verifiably addicted to the internet (I heard AIM sounds in my sleep) and couldn't lift and hold a glass of water on bad days. Not good.
Third, I want to reiterate what it is like to have ADHD, so I'm copying this from one of my Squidoo lenses:
I've heard it described like this ... imagine your radio is on and instead of turning the dial to switch stations, all 20 or so local stations are playing at once. And you're trying to focus on the news, while hard rock is playing, and jazz, and country, and hip-hop, and you just want to find out what the weather is going to be like tomorrow, but you find it nearly impossible to listen to the forecast because of the other 19 stations are blaring in your ear ... THAT's how it feels to have an ADHD brain.
Back to my regularly scheduled boredom.
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