Went straight from high school into waitressing, fast food, etc. and within a year into office assistant type stuff, did word processing and data entry for a while, then started helping with editing and proofreading a publication ... wasn't long before I was "suggesting" layout changes to the designer, and finally realized the job I wanted to be doing was called "graphic designer."
I went to a community college a few years ago and got a certificate that shows I really do know how to do what I've been doing for a living for over a decade. There were a few really talented people in my classes, and some that really needed to rethink their career path.
That doesn't mean that I think everything I do is golden. Most of the time, I think my work is crap, and need validation from my clients. At times, they like what I throw together in minutes better than what I slave over for days. Other times, they take what I feel is my best layout, and change it into something dismal, and then love it more than the gem they destroyed. That is the price a graphic designer pays... their artwork is subject to "critique by committee."
I invite you to take a look at what items HAVE sold recently at freelief.com designs and iHope cancer fundraiser by visiting me on myspace and viewing my pics. I'd love to see your comments.
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