Thursday, November 08, 2007

things are be gooder now

Life has certainly dealt quite the series of blows to my immediate family here in the past two months.

Most things, like the totalled vehicle, can be easily overcome. I'll be getting my new Saturn Aura in a few days. I had my Vue for almost exactly four years... a little less when you consider the many times it has been in for repair. Hoping that the Aura won't be as invisible to deer.

Other things will take more patience and time to work through, but we have a strong family that we are certain can pull through anything. Although our family unit is fairly new, as my husband and I race toward our two year anniversary, and the kids are likewise racing toward their teen years, we're close and we're brave, and we're up for anything that's coming at us.

It's time for some good stuff.

1 comment:

XP said...

Yeah, so, I still don't have my new car yet ... one of those things, where if it CAN go wrong, it most certainly will blow into a thousand stinking pieces ... apparently it is ready to pick up, FINALLY, and now I'm tied up with other engagements and won't be able to get to it until ... Monday?