Monday, November 27, 2006

family holiday project :)


Start with one piece of blanket fleece approximately 12 by 18 inches. Fold in half lengthwise. Cut strips 1/2 to 1 inch wide on the long side (open end) approximately 3 inches each in length and tie a knot in every other pair of strips. Put three matching holes in each short open end, at each top, middle and bottom. Take a strip of fleece approx. 1/4 inch by 6 inches and place through the three holes as if you were lacing a shoe and then tie.

The final product is a crown which goes on top of the child's head with the frayed part on top. The crowns keep the patient's head warm and many of the patients wear their crowns throughout their hospital stay. Note that when buying the fleece fabric it's best buy smaller prints or solid colors. (Large crowns are done exactly the same way only the measurements would be approximately 2 inches larger all the way around.)

We had the kids make a bunch of these this weekend when we got together for Thanksgiving. We learned the hard way that the material only stretches one way, so we have lots of "baby" sized crowns, so watch out for that or make them a little longer than 18-20 inches in length. The kids really had fun doing this, and many of them want to make another one to keep for themselves!

idea from here

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