Friday, October 19, 2007

What I've been doing.

It's way more interesting than my own life.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Others amuse me too.

So I'm sitting in the left turn lane of a busy five lane road, blinker on, waiting for a break in traffic to complete my left turn. There is a person in a vehicle behind me, that I can see quite plainly in my rear view mirror.

Apparently she has noticed a window of opportunity that I chose not to take, being rather stiff and sore this morning and not prone to jerky driving movements. Perhaps I *could* have made it, if I'd jammed on the gas pedal and cranked the wheel, I *might* have been able to shoot through that brief pause in steady traffic. It's conceivable.

But I was rather amused at the display of disbelief in my rear view, the shocked look of thinly veiled anger, the hands thrown in the air. How DARE I not go when that opportunity was so very available?

So there I sat, in the left turn lane, blinker steadily blinking without enthusiasm, waiting for the next suitable gap in traffic, and completing my turn more slowly than normal because I can barely turn my neck; something is pinched in my shoulder and extremely painful. It had to have been at least 15 seconds later, maybe 20, when I made my bold move. She rides my bumper as I once again use my turn signal half a block later, and slowly approach a drive on the right, taking great care not to bounce a tire off the sharp edged curb.

I wish I had so few other things to be stressed about that the simple act of someone missing a left turn opportunity could bring me so much angst. I waved as she passed and hoped her day would get better.

Monday, October 15, 2007

I amuse myself.

PeTA is Michael Jackson. No one would leave their small child or dog with him, but as long as he isn't in their living room, he's considered harmless. Never mind the walk-in freezer in the back for the bodies.

HSUS is Michael Jackson in a very convincing Mister Rogers mask. Most people trust him because on the outside he seems completely harmless, associated with good and wholesome things. Peel away the layers, and you find an organization run with the same basic leaders and fundamental beliefs as PeTA.

The good work that many local humane societies do has nothing to do with HSUS. They are a powerful political lobbying group. No one that I would leave a small child or dog with unattended.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

it's what's for dinner

Comment on my comment, from the very popular Fugly Horse of the Day blog:

I am not anti-slaughter. I love beef, pork, chicken ... and it isn't my place to say that my neighbor can't eat horse, dog or gerbil if that's his thing.

I am, however, in favor of HUMANE treatment for any and all animals bound for slaughter. The rules should not be the same for a chicken, a pig and a horse, due to their uniqueness, however, it is hypocritical to consider one type of animal okay for eating and another somehow too cute to be food.

Friday, October 05, 2007

I am not a very responsible blogger

There has been a lot, an awful lot, of stuff going on lately, but nothing I could share outside of my very closest friends and family on my private myspace account.

And that other means of conversation which requires face to face contact and spoken words.

But then people want to /hug/ and I don't care too much for touching and {cooties} and sterf.

One person brought cookies, and that was pretty okay.

When I be gooder I writes more, khey?