Now that I've had a few days to collect my thoughts and catch up, time to share my eventful wedding weekend. :)

Prisoners brought in. In shackles. By executioner. (Nice touch, eh?)

Brides enter. Whispering and giggling the whole way.

Will ye have each other?

Attempting to get through the vows without losing it ...

... unsuccessfully.

Aye, pirate and wench.

Lightning and thunder during the other couples’ vows was a nice touch.

Happy pillaging!

Our treasure chest runneth over.

These are all stills from the video, our photographer didn’t show up. Had an absolute blast despite everything that could have gone better. It stopped raining long enough for the ceremony to be held outside at the lake. Tons of great food, way too much rum, debauchery well into the next morn. Lots of our friends want to have a big group campout at the same place next year. :)